The Salon Industry Business Artist

The Salon Industry Business Artist
Official Website!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Grand Opening

Come join us for the special Grand Opening event of our new salon. Festiviites begin 9m and run all day. Ribbon cutting at 6pm.

Media and press wil be there.

Wine, Cheese, refreshments
We will be running specials all day 50% off services to run through Saturday, free treatments, free bang trims and free style refresh.
$20 account credit for services to anyone who books a complete service for Wednesday!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What makes that color last and shine?

Any artist will tell you that the finest tools are the main ingredient. For a haircolor artist those ingredients are the color line itself, the brushes and the canvas which is the human hair.
At Hair Studio Artists we have spared no expense in bringing you the most up to the moment state of the art color line.
We cannot begin to create without the best. So what makes it the best? First, it has an amazing pallet to choose from. Best of all it has technology on its side.
Hair color is not harmful or unhealthy. It is only as good as its performance ability and the user. User error or lack of education is at the heart of bad color and damaged hair.
InCell technology and Ionene G are the molecular wonders that repair your hair inside and out on all 3 layers while coloring it with the most sophisticated colorants.
Our treatments contain the same Ionene G conditioning molecule. Most salons sell these post color lock treatments for $25-$30+ dollars. We want our clients to experience unbelievable hair so we’re offering them at cost forever as a value add-on.
Additionally, we are offering a non-ammonia highlighting system that only processes for 15 mins. and using our no-foil method. Yes, no foil. Many of you are thinking about the French painting technique Balayage; and although we do offer that unique service we are using thermal wraps instead of traditional foil upon request. The difference is a more lightly comfortable almost naked feel to the traditional highlighting process.
So many salons use foil, not even professional foil. They use the same food wrap product used to wrap a baked potato. At Hair Studio Artists we believe in a professional tool for a professional job. These thermal wraps hold in heat, and create even highlights every time. Other than a lighter more comfortable experience you’ll never know it wasn’t foil.
Consults are complimentary and always welcomed. Free Online Booking Available.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Welcome to Hair Studio Artists, A Salon by Eric Charles Mokotoff

I am very happy, proud and excited to announce the opening of my new studio salon in downtown Delray Beach and I want everyone to be a part of it.
Our Mission is to create fashion forward looks in an affordable way. The health & integrity of your hair is our driving force. We are dedicated to achieving this by continually remaining active in the salon industry.
It’s an intimate atmosphere that is conducive to creativity in a private setting just for you.
I have teamed up with top stylist Samantha Deibler who is also my business partner.
The time has come to launch our vision to the next level and offer you even more incredible service. For us the craft of doing your hair is more important than anything else a salon can offer. It’s why you go to a salon.
To start with we are rolling back all pricing to make fabulous hair affordable to everyone. Great hair is your birthright and it should not be out of financial reach. The state of the art haircolor line is superior to anything you have experienced and will condition your hair like no other. It has vibrant tones, rich hues, and will not fade like other lines. There is also a line of treatments that can be used anytime to enhance and prolong your color. We are also the first in Palm Beach County to offer you a truly natural vegan line of hair care and styling product.
We will honor any and all past deals and promos, gift cards, and will have some simple incentives for you. We want to keep all your scheduled appointments as is in our new location and will give you a $20 gift card for everyone you send to us. We are also taking reservations for the holidays. The support has been great and we are taking lots of appointments.
We are committed to you, so tell us what you want or what we can do to make your experience everything you want it to be. Thank you for being our guests.
As my gift to you, you will receive a special color power dose treatment on your first visit in my new salon.
Free Valet Parking Thurs-Sat, Live TV, Café with Chef on Premise
Located in Downtown Delray in Pineapple Grove inside Paradise Spa & Café
140 NE 2nd Av. Studio #14 Call Eric @ 561 504 2272 Samantha @ 850 443 2635 or the concierge @ 561 330 3434 for your appointments.


Friday, October 1, 2010


Friday, September 24, 2010

Living Lights

I am always inspired by my guests; especially those first timers. This is where I draw inspiration for this column.
For me, highlighting is an art, not an exercise or pattern to be repeating over and over each person each day. The hair is a canvas, a picture waiting to be painted. The haircolor in all its hues and contrasts create visual texture and statement.
All too often over the decades we continue to see very linear highlighting which is no longer in style. Linear highlighting is the end result of stacking the foils in a straight line creating a saddle from ear to ear or a Mohawk down the center of the head. It stands to reason that which is placed in a straight line will produce a straight line.
Another all too common feature which is artistically incorrect is where light and dark meet, come together and fit well next to each other. Excessive highlighting and lowlighting not only damages the hair and leaves the canvas less than but it also creates a strange effect visually on the color. The trained eye will light where there should be dark and vice versa. An expert colorist can tell the difference and place shadow where it belongs.
Some of the best lowlighting can make a blonde look blonder just by giving background to areas void of representation. I call this common flaw negative highlighting like the negative of a photo where everything is reversed.
Today’s highlighting is not about how many foils are stacked like a deck of cards but in creating the proper custom painting for the wearer. It’s about creating illusion, light, shadow, texture and bringing to life the haircut and the person’s individual features.
So let go of the linguini highlights and say hello to the world of uneven etches of light that will grace and silhouette your hair.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Don't be Afraid

Many times in my career and from 100's of people; I hear clients say I have a guy or gal I like and I am afraid to leave them. I meet people like this as I speak to and consult new people. My approach is simple and direct. "When was the last time you had a compliment on your hair?" Often these people express that they don't even love their hair or that nothing new has been offered to them. Yet they defend how nice their hairdresser is and that they don't want to hurt them or insult them.

That's nice, even admirable.

But remember, you are the consumer, the paying customer. It is your job to communicate with them what you like and don't like or if you want something different. Without your feedback no one will know. On the other hand if your salon professional is unable or cant or simply doesn't offer new things then don't be afraid to leave.

Its your money, your hair.

There are plenty of professionals out there who pride themselves on continuing education, offering new ideas every time (whether or not you choose them) There are those who want feedback of all kinds, good and not good.

Sometimes we hear stories about people who have been using their salon professional for a long time and love what they get every time but then one day the service just off par and without saying anything the client never returns. There could be many reasons why something is off par on rare occasion but without your feedback you both lose out. If you have always been happy then it is unfair to you and them to sell out after 1 so-so visit, of course if it happens again then time to seek out a new fabulous professional perhaps even in the same salon. Almost every time if someone knows you weren't 100% they can adjust it to make it right. Usually these are simple tweaks to dial in on your personal preferences. Without your feedback they may go on thinking you love it. SO speak up politely.

So there are 2 reasons to not being afraid. 1) you can save a great relationship or 2) gain a new great hairdresser.

I vote for #1 first then if nothing changes for you then never ever be afraid to seek out #2.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can your hair affect your personality?

Can your hair affect your personality? Change your mood? (You bet!)
Just like clothing or food your haircolor and cut can make you feel like an entirely different person.
Adding spice to your color can give you that daring feeling or mood. Softening a strong color can get you feeling romantic.
A complete change or total makeover can change your whole outlook. It has been reported that a totally new cut or color change can alter your personality. Take for example someone who goes from blonde to strawberry blonde before their first day on a new job. The daring move in color can give that person new bold confidence in the work place.
Like putting on costume your hair can help you assume a whole new persona.
So if you are feeling like you need a change, pick me up, or perhaps a mood rut; consider reinventing your haircolor. The choices are unlimited. You can go bold, soft, sexy, spicy, classic, avant garde, or retro.
Most important, don’t get stuck in the rut on wearing the same look year after year.

Written By Eric Charles Mokotoff

Friday, September 17, 2010

What's In?

As Salon Industry Professionals we are frequently asked, “What is in style for haircolor?”
These days anything and everything goes. The barriers of conventionalism are gone. But what color is right for you? It all depends on your lifestyle, age, skin tone, eye tone and how daring or conservative you are. What makes fabulous haircolor is how it is all put together to fit you the individual. What always works best is working within 1-3 steps of you natural color as a gauge of how light or dark you can go. This is a universal color meter. From there your colorist can suggest what tones work with your skin and eyes. The final step is how would you like this all put together? The structure or your haircolor can be classic, natural, trendy, understated, overstated, avant garde, or downright over the top. Your personality and lifestyle will help you decide what you can go to work or school with or how you want to be seen in your life’s circles. Most important is to have fun with you color and be open to trying new things. Haircolor is a fashion that you wear everyday and it is seen every day by all whom you come into contact with. It is easy to get caught up in what boyfriends, husbands and coworkers think but trust your salon professional to make the decision with you. They know best how it all goes together. For, example maybe someone in your life prefers blondes, but your hair is naturally very dark. Let’s say it is more than 3 steps away from blonde. For you to wear blonde you would have to double process to avoid wearing “BLORANGE” This service requires frequent maintenance every 2-3 weeks in addition to integrity care to preserve its health not to mention the cost. Ask yourself if this is right for you and your budget. Your colorist will always recommend the most fashionable healthiest choice to fit you! Keep it exciting by having your colorist create 3 or 4 seasonal looks for you. This keeps it fun fresh and up to date as well as appropriate for you the individual.
Written by Eric Charles Mokotoff

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Color Changes

Does making a change to your haircolor have to be dramatic? NO, definitely not. The best changes are the subtle ones, or the ones that shift or evolve. The top industry colorists will tell you not to deconstruct the color then reconstruct it but rather work with what you have. There are those that color, color, color, recolor, bleach and resurface that hair canvas constantly; eventually the color looks over worked over done over colored. A good colorist will know how to add simple elements to add interest or create a new vision off an existing one. Sometimes it is as simple as a shadow, a tone or the re-angle of a foil and presto you have a fresh perspective on your color. Only the extreme cases require cleaning or preparing the hair canvas. At Pyure our color department is trained to see the hair from various perspectives through our education and industry involvement. Shifting, accentuating and re-visioning a look is what haircolor is all about. Knowing when to add light or shadow and where to put it is the art itself, not everyone can do that. Find out how to make this happen for you by coming into any of our 3 locations and speaking with a Pyure Talent Colorist.
Written by Eric Charles Mokotoff

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ahh, My hair is too red!

Many haircolor clients/guests experience or express how their brown/brunette hair is too red or how their blonde hair is too red. Oddly, this is an all too common scenario that can be avoided with a little education on both the client’s end and the person doing the color.

First, why does this happen?

A: Simply, there is red in brown. You can’t have brown without red. Red, Yellow & Blue make brown but too many times there is too much Red placed or contributed into the brown. By contributed we mean your natural pigment that plays a huge role in the result of your color. People with brown hair have red undertones so for those who are opposed to the red influence need to have their colorist create cooler based colors that will soften the red portion. Remember, Brown is Red Yellow & Blue without it you have green so the amount of red needs to be reduced not gone.

For the sake of fashion, there are many shades of brown and skin tones that welcome warm browns. The darker the natural brown the redder the contribution. The lighter the brown the more coppery or orange the contribution is.

So what about the blondes?

People who attempt to go lighter with color or highlights face unwanted red and copper due to either under lightening their hair or they are simply too dark to get that light.

The darker a person is the harder, harsher and more work the hair must face to become blonde.

Reality check! If you are naturally medium brown or darker you will face the dreaded “Blorange” result. Sadly, Mother Nature didn’t want you to be so light. The ideal people for Blonding are those who are naturally light browns and lighter.

Even people who are light brown or lighter have contributing orange in their hair. That orange goes through stages of yellow/orange and yellow.

Fashion tip: learn to embrace darker shades of blonde, lighter browns and subtle accents of blonde to avoid looking too red.

Again cooler shade selection must take place by your colorist.

Here in FL the abundance of UV rays contributes to both scenarios. People who live here will experience quicker fading, sun exposure and red tones on a greater scale than those living up north or in cooler environments. Frequent color glosses or glazes are needed and the right home maintenance products are required.

Clients need to be educated and prepared for these truths about color.

At Pyure Salon our colorists have studied these scenarios and case studies so that they can explain and advise what is best, what looks best for you and what is professionally recommended. Below are some examples of colors that are too red.

Written By Eric Charles Mokotoff
Always available for consultations, give me ring 561 504 2272

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Book a Class Today

THE SALON INDUSTRY BUSINESS ARTIST is now offering classes in addition to the top selling book. Treat your salon to education or be a host salon.

Start your career

Start your career with the best and most important tool, a career path. THE SALON INDUSTRY BUSINESS ARTIST is just that. In simple to understand language this book will map out all your choices on what to look for in a salon, how to interview, your resume, and where you see yourslef. It's only $14.99 thru June 30th Mon............ey Back if you learn nothing from it. It is everything they didn't teach you in school.

16th Annual Gold Coast Down Syndrome Org. Buddy Walk

Ezra Lazarus Mokotoff and Family are walking in the 2010 Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization Buddy Walk in Palm Beach County, Florida to show our support for the more than 350,000 individuals with Down syndrome in the United States. I want to do my part to make sure that each individual including our son Ezra, is given every opportunity to reach his or her full potential. This is a chance for me as a participant and you as a sponsor to send a message of acceptance -- and a belief in the abilities and contributions of ALL people.

Please support me in my walk efforts. Your Buddy Walk contribution will support the local programs of the Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization for people with Down syndrome and their families, as well as the national education, research and advocacy initiatives of the National Down Syndrome Society. Our combined local and national efforts are enhancing quality of life for children and adults with Down syndrome.

Just click on the Web site link below and visit my personal Buddy Walk page to make your tax-deductible donation.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What would you do if...?

What would you do if a top stylist or colorist came to your salon for employment? They posess impecable skills, experince, manufacturer connections, up to date portfoliio, certifications and presented a resume. What would you offer them? Why should they work for you? Would you pay them a draw, guarantee, salary, book them up? Or would you simply offer them what you typically offer to everyone else? BTW, they just moved to your state and have no clientele. This and more is available in the book THE SALON INDUSTRY BUSINESS ARTIST. (its what the pros are reading)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Can you find reputable work in a salon?

Before you salon search and interview for a position, arm yourself with THE SALON INDUSTRY BUSINESS ARTIST Available now $19.99

Do you have what ti takes to open a salon?

If you dont have salon industry knowledge, what makes you think you can open a salon? Find out what you need to become industry educated before opening a salon. THE SALON INDUSTRY BUSINESS ARTIST

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Future of Education

If the schools will not or cannot provide the right education for the salon industry
who will? Manufacturers and distributors offer great classes but
understandably their focus is on product sales. Either the elite vision
focused salons will offer it to employees, who in turn will remain loyal
because they are growing prof...essionally and financially, or hairdressers
themselves will invest in their own education and training. (Taken from THE SALON INDUSTRY BUSINESS ARTIST)

Friday, April 16, 2010

If cosmetology were a college course, we could devote time to the
history of hair and study its beginnings from ancient times to modern
times. We can not only learn but study the transition of styles and
periods of time. Classes can be broken into various decades of study like
art. There could be classes on cutting, coloring, and chemistry, and
chair-side psychology, classes on beauty, clothing, fashion and makeup.
Just imagine the possibilities. But the states need to come together for a national license. Stop this non-sense continuing education test, it only generates money-it does nothing for our careers. ANd here is another thought that I have pondered would be schools that graduate
professional assistants/apprentices. Such a program would focus on
training the individual on customer service, salon protocol, scalp
massage, shampoos, salon maintenance, conditioning treatments and
blow outs. They would be prepared to enter the industry with a
different mindset. It would then be up to the salon and individual to
attend academies and classes to acquire the necessary skills to become

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


1. The information can prevent business failure
2. It can give your career direction
3. Offers insightful up to date sollutions for both salon owners and employees
4. It can give your staff the structure and outline it needs
5. It will give you information to apporach sa...lon owners/employers with
Also, this book raises money for research for Down Syndrome. Available at

Additionally, of every copy sold there has only been positive feedback. Top industry pros are starting to read and comment. Salon Today will be publishing an officail review shortly.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Salon Industry Business Artist on Radio

Now is the time to get the hot selling book THE SALON INDUSTRY BUSINESS ARTIST. This is a straightforward business model for todays salon industry. Whether youa re a salon owner or salon profesional this book will elevate your career path. Only $19.99

Premier Launch Of the Real Hair Truth Talk Show! 4/11/2010 7:00 PM(eastern)
Call-in Number: (646) 716-4723 Eric Mokotoff Author of "The Salon Industry Business Artist. “The Salon Industry Business Artist” is a must read for anyone involved in the salon industry. This book repairs the dysfunctional relationship that has... plagued salon owners and professionals for decades. Please Join us!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Life's A Stage & So Is Your Chair

You must dress the
part for the performance you are in. Fashion is key to your environment
and who you attract. How you speak is key to how you sell and perform

Friday, March 26, 2010

What's in it for You?

What type of education do you want for yourself as a salon employee? What type of education are you offering as a salon owner? As a salon owner what type of education do you want for yourself? The Answers are here Get it now only $19.99

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This is so sad, but it doesnt have to be

4 Creative Degrees to consider instead of hair school: Cosmetology is one of the fastest growing industries in America, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but it is also one of the industries with the lowest average pay and limited opportunity for advancement.Many creative-minded people begin the process of b...ecoming a licensed cosmetologist, only to become discouraged by the competition, low pay or licensing process. According to the BLS, cosmetologists make between $16,500-$20,000 on average. This was taken from http://www.classesandcareers.comSee More

This is why we must fight for change in licensing, how we train new hairdressers, what we pay, career path, salary, healthcare and long term futures.

If you follow THE SALON INDUSTRY BUSINESS ARTIST we can make a differnce.

Be part of the revolution not a casualty!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Another Fine Book Review

Kimberly Cole-Simpson Eric, as a 21 year veteran of the business I found your book refreshing and enlightening. I encourage anyone in the industry whether they have been in the business 1 yr or 40 years to read this book. Thank You! I feel so blessed to call you my friend and my colleague. I recommend The Salon Industry Business Artist for everyone!

Why salons and hairdressers have the same problems

Salons are hiring but
claim that good help is hard to find, and hairdressers claim that salons
are not offering them enough. Both are right!
There are many factors involved; here are a few:
1) Schools (which are regulated by state boards) have done little
to update the needs of education within the profession.
2) Today's hairdresser cannot rely on the basic education received
in school.
3) Some salons are unable to offer the needed training on both
the creative and business aspects at various levels.
4) There are two types of salons owners: Industry and non-
Industry or hairdressers and non-hairdressers. Neither always
understands the other side of the business.
5) A cosmetology license is not enough. Some states require
continuing education credits.
6) These credits have little to do with what hairdressers really do
each day in their profession.
7) In a world where healthcare is so vital to the employee, salons
cannot afford and/or don't want the added expense of offering
8) Without other benefits like 401K, there is no provision for the
future and one's retirement.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Stop Moaning

Change is inevitable to us all, yet in many ways the hairdresser and/or salon have changed very little.Why? THE SALON INDSUTRY BUSINESS ARTIST has the answers and more. Get with the times, get assertive and lets change the industry instead of moan about it. Get your copy now, you can be implementing this already.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

9 out of 10 new salons dont make it through year 1

9 of 10 new salons fail in the first year. Dont let that happen to you. Discover why this happens and how to prevent it. Get the concrete answers before you invest your money. Find out what you need to make your salon and staff work. You have much more in common with your staff than either of you think.The Salon Industry Business Artist will show you how to suceed in that 1st year and beyond.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What are they saying.?

The reviews are coming in everyday. The Salon Industry Business Artist is a hit. It's simple and to the point. Its like taking a private class. Get your copy at

Another Great Book Review

Martha Hoff Young LOVED your book Eric..I am re reading it already..very informative..good advice.I will recommend it to all I know to be interested

Friday, March 12, 2010

Book Review by Dana Wexler

Dana Wexler Just finished the it from cover to cover in three nights. The first chapter was a reminder of what went wrong in my first salon. Come to think of it, reading it was like spending a day at work. I had just moved to Chicago because I was looking to make a change, however fearful of going through what I had just exited. Eric gave me the ability to understand the stress on owners, the stress of salon artist, and how to make a mends by making sure your goals are the same from the get go. From the moment the interview takes place, to the instant you get behind the chair, Eric ensures owners and artists that they can in fact co-exist harmoniously. He also reviews and explains what it means to be a team player. Without these skills in place it is the client, that ultimately suffers and your wallet that empties. Thank you, Eric for explaining the hard truth about the vicious circle that can be the salon industry. you can bet that I won't make the same mistakes twice.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Salon Owner

Are you a new salon owner? Do you have sufficent cash flow? Do you have a business plan? Are you industry trained? Do youhave a career path for your staff? The Salon Industry Business Artist can help you with all these things and more. Save $1000.00's by gettting your copy now at

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Salon Industry Drop out Rate

Why does the average assistant not get the education they deserve and why do they drop out before they ever get behind the chair? Don't drop out. Get what you deserve and should demand. Find out now by using THe Salon Industry Business Artist as your career guide. $19.99 + s/h Don't Wait.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Healthcare in your Salon

Does your salon offer healthcare benefits? Paid vacations? Is commission hurting your monthly budget? Fix it at only $19.99 + s/h

Friday, March 5, 2010

Don't miss The Salon Industry Business Artist radio interview.
Premier Launch Of the Real Hair Truth Talk Show!
Date / Time: 4/4/2010 5:00 PM (eastern) Call-in Number: (646) 716-4723
Great news, The Salon Industry Business Artist is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but you can get it right now direct from the author, You can be reading it now!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

If not for You or the Industry, then how about my Son

The Salon Industry Business Artist is a labor of love and experience to help the salon industry overcome its dogmas and challenges. It is a book to help owners and hairdressers not amke the common mistakes that puts them out of busines.

But it is also a book that when sold, a portion of every sale goes to help fund research for people with Down Syndrome. My son Ezra is such a person and research can provide him and people like him with brighter futures.

So why not grab a copy today, help you career, salon and people with Down Syndrome.

Thank you.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Book Tour at Boca Beauty Huge Success

Thank you Boca Beauty Academy for having me this morning. It was a great seminar and huge success for my new book The Salon Industry Business Artist. Book sales were great, good luck to all the aspiring people. You are our industry's future.

Friday, February 26, 2010

10 Signed Books for The Real Hair Truth

10 signed books went out today for The Real Hair Truth. Let's spread the word for both the movie and the book. 2010 will be great for salon professionals as we together open the doors to the industry's future.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Working it...........

Fabulous morning workshop with a group of young talented colorists. Rocking out some great haircolor this afternoon and tonight putting together material for the book tour.

Please help support research for Down Syndrome by purchasing THe Salon Industry Business Artist and give your career what it needs and help people like my son Ezra along yoru journey.

Coming Soon....

Also look for another new website dedicated to The Salon Business Artist and the new upcoming film The Real Hair Truth.

We will be on We will keep you updated when it launches

Check out

Getting it out to the Industry

Copies of the new book The Salon Industry Business Artist just went out today to Behind the Chair, American Salon and a few other top names.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Real Hair Truth

The Salon Industry Business Artist is being featured in the controversial Documentary "The Real Hair Truth" by Jotovi Designs. Due for release in April 2010.

Jospeh Kellner and Eric Charles Mokotoff are joining forces to bring you some passionate insight about the salon industry.


The Salon Industry Business Artist Book Tour has begun. Thank you Boca Beauty Academy for being the first stop on the book tour. Your students will have a wealth of information to enter the field with.



Thanks for coming. I am passionate about what I do and where the salon industry is going. I have devoted my life to being the best haircolor artist and educator I can be. It has been a long journey and now I want to give back by offering the release of my new book The Salon Industry Business Artist available in paperback at It's only $19.99 + s/h.

By purchasing this book you will be helping your salon suceed if yo own a salon. If you are a salon professional then this book will help guide your career decisions.

If you are in cosmetology school then this book will help yo to get ahead of the pack and learn what it takes to succeed right from the start.

Best of all, a portion of this book will go to help fund research for Down Syndrome which will help people like my son Ezra.

Bless you all.
