The Salon Industry Business Artist

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Friday, September 17, 2010

What's In?

As Salon Industry Professionals we are frequently asked, “What is in style for haircolor?”
These days anything and everything goes. The barriers of conventionalism are gone. But what color is right for you? It all depends on your lifestyle, age, skin tone, eye tone and how daring or conservative you are. What makes fabulous haircolor is how it is all put together to fit you the individual. What always works best is working within 1-3 steps of you natural color as a gauge of how light or dark you can go. This is a universal color meter. From there your colorist can suggest what tones work with your skin and eyes. The final step is how would you like this all put together? The structure or your haircolor can be classic, natural, trendy, understated, overstated, avant garde, or downright over the top. Your personality and lifestyle will help you decide what you can go to work or school with or how you want to be seen in your life’s circles. Most important is to have fun with you color and be open to trying new things. Haircolor is a fashion that you wear everyday and it is seen every day by all whom you come into contact with. It is easy to get caught up in what boyfriends, husbands and coworkers think but trust your salon professional to make the decision with you. They know best how it all goes together. For, example maybe someone in your life prefers blondes, but your hair is naturally very dark. Let’s say it is more than 3 steps away from blonde. For you to wear blonde you would have to double process to avoid wearing “BLORANGE” This service requires frequent maintenance every 2-3 weeks in addition to integrity care to preserve its health not to mention the cost. Ask yourself if this is right for you and your budget. Your colorist will always recommend the most fashionable healthiest choice to fit you! Keep it exciting by having your colorist create 3 or 4 seasonal looks for you. This keeps it fun fresh and up to date as well as appropriate for you the individual.
Written by Eric Charles Mokotoff