The Salon Industry Business Artist

The Salon Industry Business Artist
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Don't be Afraid

Many times in my career and from 100's of people; I hear clients say I have a guy or gal I like and I am afraid to leave them. I meet people like this as I speak to and consult new people. My approach is simple and direct. "When was the last time you had a compliment on your hair?" Often these people express that they don't even love their hair or that nothing new has been offered to them. Yet they defend how nice their hairdresser is and that they don't want to hurt them or insult them.

That's nice, even admirable.

But remember, you are the consumer, the paying customer. It is your job to communicate with them what you like and don't like or if you want something different. Without your feedback no one will know. On the other hand if your salon professional is unable or cant or simply doesn't offer new things then don't be afraid to leave.

Its your money, your hair.

There are plenty of professionals out there who pride themselves on continuing education, offering new ideas every time (whether or not you choose them) There are those who want feedback of all kinds, good and not good.

Sometimes we hear stories about people who have been using their salon professional for a long time and love what they get every time but then one day the service just off par and without saying anything the client never returns. There could be many reasons why something is off par on rare occasion but without your feedback you both lose out. If you have always been happy then it is unfair to you and them to sell out after 1 so-so visit, of course if it happens again then time to seek out a new fabulous professional perhaps even in the same salon. Almost every time if someone knows you weren't 100% they can adjust it to make it right. Usually these are simple tweaks to dial in on your personal preferences. Without your feedback they may go on thinking you love it. SO speak up politely.

So there are 2 reasons to not being afraid. 1) you can save a great relationship or 2) gain a new great hairdresser.

I vote for #1 first then if nothing changes for you then never ever be afraid to seek out #2.