The Salon Industry Business Artist

The Salon Industry Business Artist
Official Website!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Life's A Stage & So Is Your Chair

You must dress the
part for the performance you are in. Fashion is key to your environment
and who you attract. How you speak is key to how you sell and perform

Friday, March 26, 2010

What's in it for You?

What type of education do you want for yourself as a salon employee? What type of education are you offering as a salon owner? As a salon owner what type of education do you want for yourself? The Answers are here Get it now only $19.99

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This is so sad, but it doesnt have to be

4 Creative Degrees to consider instead of hair school: Cosmetology is one of the fastest growing industries in America, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but it is also one of the industries with the lowest average pay and limited opportunity for advancement.Many creative-minded people begin the process of b...ecoming a licensed cosmetologist, only to become discouraged by the competition, low pay or licensing process. According to the BLS, cosmetologists make between $16,500-$20,000 on average. This was taken from http://www.classesandcareers.comSee More

This is why we must fight for change in licensing, how we train new hairdressers, what we pay, career path, salary, healthcare and long term futures.

If you follow THE SALON INDUSTRY BUSINESS ARTIST we can make a differnce.

Be part of the revolution not a casualty!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Another Fine Book Review

Kimberly Cole-Simpson Eric, as a 21 year veteran of the business I found your book refreshing and enlightening. I encourage anyone in the industry whether they have been in the business 1 yr or 40 years to read this book. Thank You! I feel so blessed to call you my friend and my colleague. I recommend The Salon Industry Business Artist for everyone!

Why salons and hairdressers have the same problems

Salons are hiring but
claim that good help is hard to find, and hairdressers claim that salons
are not offering them enough. Both are right!
There are many factors involved; here are a few:
1) Schools (which are regulated by state boards) have done little
to update the needs of education within the profession.
2) Today's hairdresser cannot rely on the basic education received
in school.
3) Some salons are unable to offer the needed training on both
the creative and business aspects at various levels.
4) There are two types of salons owners: Industry and non-
Industry or hairdressers and non-hairdressers. Neither always
understands the other side of the business.
5) A cosmetology license is not enough. Some states require
continuing education credits.
6) These credits have little to do with what hairdressers really do
each day in their profession.
7) In a world where healthcare is so vital to the employee, salons
cannot afford and/or don't want the added expense of offering
8) Without other benefits like 401K, there is no provision for the
future and one's retirement.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Stop Moaning

Change is inevitable to us all, yet in many ways the hairdresser and/or salon have changed very little.Why? THE SALON INDSUTRY BUSINESS ARTIST has the answers and more. Get with the times, get assertive and lets change the industry instead of moan about it. Get your copy now, you can be implementing this already.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

9 out of 10 new salons dont make it through year 1

9 of 10 new salons fail in the first year. Dont let that happen to you. Discover why this happens and how to prevent it. Get the concrete answers before you invest your money. Find out what you need to make your salon and staff work. You have much more in common with your staff than either of you think.The Salon Industry Business Artist will show you how to suceed in that 1st year and beyond.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What are they saying.?

The reviews are coming in everyday. The Salon Industry Business Artist is a hit. It's simple and to the point. Its like taking a private class. Get your copy at

Another Great Book Review

Martha Hoff Young LOVED your book Eric..I am re reading it already..very informative..good advice.I will recommend it to all I know to be interested

Friday, March 12, 2010

Book Review by Dana Wexler

Dana Wexler Just finished the it from cover to cover in three nights. The first chapter was a reminder of what went wrong in my first salon. Come to think of it, reading it was like spending a day at work. I had just moved to Chicago because I was looking to make a change, however fearful of going through what I had just exited. Eric gave me the ability to understand the stress on owners, the stress of salon artist, and how to make a mends by making sure your goals are the same from the get go. From the moment the interview takes place, to the instant you get behind the chair, Eric ensures owners and artists that they can in fact co-exist harmoniously. He also reviews and explains what it means to be a team player. Without these skills in place it is the client, that ultimately suffers and your wallet that empties. Thank you, Eric for explaining the hard truth about the vicious circle that can be the salon industry. you can bet that I won't make the same mistakes twice.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Salon Owner

Are you a new salon owner? Do you have sufficent cash flow? Do you have a business plan? Are you industry trained? Do youhave a career path for your staff? The Salon Industry Business Artist can help you with all these things and more. Save $1000.00's by gettting your copy now at

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Salon Industry Drop out Rate

Why does the average assistant not get the education they deserve and why do they drop out before they ever get behind the chair? Don't drop out. Get what you deserve and should demand. Find out now by using THe Salon Industry Business Artist as your career guide. $19.99 + s/h Don't Wait.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Healthcare in your Salon

Does your salon offer healthcare benefits? Paid vacations? Is commission hurting your monthly budget? Fix it at only $19.99 + s/h

Friday, March 5, 2010

Don't miss The Salon Industry Business Artist radio interview.
Premier Launch Of the Real Hair Truth Talk Show!
Date / Time: 4/4/2010 5:00 PM (eastern) Call-in Number: (646) 716-4723
Great news, The Salon Industry Business Artist is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but you can get it right now direct from the author, You can be reading it now!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

If not for You or the Industry, then how about my Son

The Salon Industry Business Artist is a labor of love and experience to help the salon industry overcome its dogmas and challenges. It is a book to help owners and hairdressers not amke the common mistakes that puts them out of busines.

But it is also a book that when sold, a portion of every sale goes to help fund research for people with Down Syndrome. My son Ezra is such a person and research can provide him and people like him with brighter futures.

So why not grab a copy today, help you career, salon and people with Down Syndrome.

Thank you.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Book Tour at Boca Beauty Huge Success

Thank you Boca Beauty Academy for having me this morning. It was a great seminar and huge success for my new book The Salon Industry Business Artist. Book sales were great, good luck to all the aspiring people. You are our industry's future.